Over the past few months, concerned citizens (including myself and Danny) have been contacting Toronto City Councillors regarding their stances on water fluoridation. While some were quite forthcoming with their thoughts, sadly, exactly half were completely silent on the issue. The city councillors who did not respond were contacted at least 2-3 times via e-mail and/or telephone, but still would not disclose a stance. Some also said they would respond, but…
Read More44 City Councillors and the Mayor have the power to add a medication to our drinking water supplying 4,000,000 Toronto residents. This is very frightening and very wrong. You can help end water fluoridation in Toronto by doing more than signing the www.change.org petition and being at the peaceful assembly on the 21st of September. Call and e-mail your Toronto City Councillor and let them know that you do not support the addition of hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) to our public water supply…
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