Over 1,000 Signatures Reached to End Fluoridation in Toronto

Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been an incredible 2 months leading up to our peaceful assembly this Saturday, September 21, 2013 from 1-5pm at Toronto City Hall. Today was particularly great as we have reached an amazing pinnacle by getting over 1,000 signatures on the www.change.org End Fluoride Toronto petition!

As well, we are happy to announce that a Press Release was issued on Friday through Marketwire and got huge reach. You can read the press release here: http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/hundreds-to-rally-at-city-hall-against-water-fluoridation-in-toronto-1830597.htm

What to Expect on Saturday

Bring a smile and a positive attitude. We are getting together peacefully to learn from one another and to inform those unfamiliar with fluoridation about the latest scientific studies showing that the chemical used to fluoridate Toronto's tap water, hydrofluorosilicic acid, has been linked to a range of adverse health effects. As well, medicating our water supply is immoral, unethical, and goes against our right to informed consent. You will determine the positive outcome of the day just by being there.

We are so excited to be able to meet with so many different people on Saturday. From all walks of life, artificial water fluoridation is something that affects us all here in Toronto. More importantly, it affects our children the future of Canada.

No matter what you think, please come with an open mind. We all have to drink the same water. Let's make it the best the World has to offer.

Just like Toronto :)